Bundles of cash, Euros tickets and several luxury breaks just listed!

Dave recently travelled to Normandy to pay his respects to the incredible men and women who risked, and often lost, their lives in the D-Day landings.  He found it sad and poignant but he was very glad he went so he could understand the sacrifices the allies made for our freedom.

You can make the same journey in the Daily Express's competition today - visiting the five beaches and Pegasus Bridge with a knowledgeable guide to make this unbelievable story come alive for you.

But on to happier subjects - wouldn't it be amazing to win a painting course at the iconic St Ives School of Painting. You never know the true extent of your talents until you are given an opportunity to try.

The prize Dave and I would absolutely love to win is the Corus five-piece garden furniture set worth £1,799, just listed. Although we would never get to sit on it because the girls and their five million friends would be using it!

I hope you enjoy your latest  weekend competitions and don't feel too chilly today. November seems to have popped in to Leamington Spa this morning.

Good luck,

Lizzie Riley

Editor, Coffee Break Winner
