There's over £50,000 in cash to win today!

Imagine a whole year of not having to pay for your mortgage/rent, food, utilities and other bills. Up to £41,000 in cash can be won today with the Daily Mail and there are loads of chances to enter.

There's one competition closing today that you won't want to miss - it's a YOU beauty advent calendar worth £450 and there are several to win. With such a brief running time, there might not be so many entrants so your chances are good.

One prize that amazed me this morning is the chance to have an £8,000 medical check up which is sure to put your mind at rest if you're a worrier and hypochondriac like me.

But the prize that excited me the most today is a self-cleaning litter tray because the four times a day sorting out the cats' trays makes me want to cry.

Have a look here at all the gorgeous prizes we've found in the weekend papers.

Good luck

Lizzie Riley

Editor, Coffee Break Winner
