Dangerous holidays and suitcases for the cats...

I really struggle to understand why people go ski-ing for fun. Surely, you're just asking for trouble with all that slippy snow around. No, it doesn't sound like a good idea at all, but if you think otherwise there's a chance to win a £3,000 ski holiday voucher in today's listings.

Just don't come limping to me if it all goes wrong!

Far more suitable, in my humble opinion is the seven-night all-inclusive Caribbean cruise just listed today. There may be hazards like falling coconuts but you are unlikely to actually break your leg.

There's a healthy amount of cash available today - more than £233,000 - and lots of shopping vouchers  including £1,000 to spend at Boots and £1,000 to spend at Wickes

But to me the best prize today is a pet-friendly stay in Dorset. It sounds idyllic, but do you think taking three cats would be too much?

Find your best prize in the latest Wednesday update here and set your sights on it with determination and hope.

Good luck

Lizzie Riley

Coffee Break Winner
